PosterDrop Poster Winch Poster Hanging System

Poster Hanging Systems: PosterDrop

We supply PosterDrop poster hanging systems throughout Australia. This ceiling hanging winch system is a poster winch that allows users to lower and raise posters at the touch of a button without the need for expensive elevated work platforms (EWP), high-access equipment or ladders. This ceiling poster winch system reduces your costs for maintaining in-house advertising and promotional posters, sometimes substantially, significantly reduces change over time & disruption and also makes for a much safer workplace.

Designed as the little brother to the larger BannerDrop ceiling banner hanging systems, the PosterDrop poster ceiling winch system will lower and raise posters up to 4.5 kilograms in weight over a 7-metre drop.

The PosterDrop poster winch is powered by a long-life battery pack keeping the cost of installation to a minimum and making the ceiling winch system unit very portable.

Currently used for hanging promotional display posters in many locations in Australia and throughout the world, the PosterDrop unit is an excellent option as a poster hanging system for hanging & displaying posters in retail premises, shopping centres, shopping malls  and activity centres.

For further information about the PosterDrop ceiling hanging system, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Bay Media on 1300 55 49 36.

PosterDrop poster ceiling winch. Ceiling hanging systems for posters. For hanging posters from the ceiling.

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Sydney Entertainment Centre

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Brimbank City Council

During Sunshine Town Centre’s redevelopment, Brimbank City Council wanted to use light pole banners to promote the activity centre and create a [...]

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